
Forty leaders from each country participated in the Climate Change Summit held in April 2021.Each of them stated their thoughts on environmental measures.

The US, EU, UK, Canada, South Korea, and Brazil have all agreed to aim towards carbon neutrality by 2050. Additionally, China has agreed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Japan will reduce CO2 emissions by 46% in 2030 compared to 2013 and raise it from the current 22% in the medium term. In the long term, we aim to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050, as in other countries. Under the Biden administration, the United States has returned to the Paris Agreement.
We are promoting the strengthening of environmental measures around the world, including in developed countries.

This trend is also changing economic growth. Until now, it was thought that responding to corporate decarbonization would be a cost that would put pressure on profits and hinder growth. Currently, new forms of investment such as SDGs and ESG investment are attracting attention and are steadily promoting economic growth. We also aim to realize renewable energy and a new future. Under the philosophy of "Brightening the future with energy and making people happy” We will continue to take on challenges every day to achieve carbon neutrality.

Representative director